BITTER is the word.

December 18, 2010
So, It's Christmas Vacation eh?
Bitter.That's the word to describe me. Haha .I belong to the "Samahan ng may mga napakalamig na pasko" :)))))


November 14, 2010


October 23, 2010
HuLLO there.:))))))))
So.It's sembreak, eh?
And I've got nothing else to do.!Ahaha:))
But my cousin called me and said that we'll have a swimming moment tomorrow.:))
My mummy's not sure if she'll allow me to hang out with them 'cause she and my bro will be left at our house studying for the periodicaL test .:))) unLucky of them,aren't they? :)))))))))))

So.My boredom resulted into some vanity of mine.:)
And I have uploaded photos of edited pictures of EM .:)))))) She's reaLLy cute :D
I hope she'll not get mad.:)

What to do? Read Manga? Watch anime/vocaloids? Search about 2k12?Illuminati?

It's already 11 plus in the evening. :D.

おたんじょうび おめでとう ございます, Misa-chan <3 :D

September 29, 2010

おたんじょうび おめでとう ございます, Misa-chan
<3 :D
It's MISAKI AYUZAWA's birthday todaaayyy. :D.
So,We don't have classes for today because it's the seniors' NCAE. :D

And I'm kinda busy right now because of PHYSICS again. :))
I have to finish those notes now because five lives depend on me. :))))
Namely: Shairy,Elmers,Miky,Lider and Tristan :)))))
I don't have anything to say.I'm just writing all the words that popped out of my mind. o_O.

So.Before I write some weird stuffs here,I guess I have to say BYERS for now.

Byers paLs. :D



September 28, 2010
Long time no see.!
I really missed this one! :D.
I've been so very busy lately.
Many projects.XD
The schooL is aLmost kiLLing us!lol.jk :)).
So.TRES MARIAS is now back. (ooohh??!)
ahaha.We're kinda active now :D
We have our very own song made by our precious paL, ELMERS. :D
She's so awesome when it comes to writing and playing guitar and not to mention, moonwaLking :)).peace out ELMERS!:D

I'm kinda busy right now in our Physics. :D
wahaha.I'm very glad that our group in physics got 98 in the mobiLe project. :DIt's all worth it ,I say :D

And now.I'm updating our Physics site. O_O.I'm PHYSICS-MINDED now,eh?:D.
ahaha.I gotta improve all my grades.!:))

ahaha.Byers .:D.
See you,paLs :D


September 3, 2010




September 2, 2010
Yesterday.. Headache is my main concern.But now, fever is the word.!:)) . Ahaha!

So....Today. We have many free time!!!! :)).
And.And Sir Dids is sooo nice. We had this drawlots .And.And Arnold was the one who picked the paper.We were all like," Arnold, gaLingan mo.!" It's like ourlives depends on him:)). And luckily, he picked the paper saying, "the test will be on Monday." !Wahaha/!Lider Arnold was such a lucky guy,eh? :)).

Ohkay.SoOoOOo.Eventhough we don't have any hws except the test in p6, I'm busy finding death speLLs.!:)).


Byebye guys. :D.



September 1, 2010
O yea.Headache rules my worLd.!

Haha.I got scolded by mummy.!Oh my.Oh my.! Now my headache is getting worst!

Ohkay.Even though we only have three hws, I still have to get out infront of the laptop right now.My mummy will scold me again.!Byes.:))
Gotta go na.!:))

P.S :Sorry for this post.I'll edit this one.promise.:D

FIGHTER not a Loser O_O

August 29, 2010

Ho yea.:D.
I realized that I should really be serious with my studies this second grading.I really wanted to be on the top ten, you know? And after I saw the list of the top ten, I felt like almost crying but I controlled my emotions because I don't want to be seen as a loser  O_O.I'm a fighter. Not a crying baby. It's obvious in my physical appearance.Many people said that I always look like  mad and I can't deny that one. Sometimes I recognized it as a complement but sometimes not. And because of that look, I always told myself that I was born to be
a fighter, not a loser.!

****** I'm sorry if this post was all about me. If you hate me,then stop reading now. But if you like me or somewhat interested in my post,then go on and continue reading,k? :D.So...People,here's your chance to know  the evil me!Read.Read.Read.! :))
Ever since when I was young,I always have that "angry/mad look" . I don't intend to look like that you know? But I can't help it. I can't do the "angelic look" you know, because I know that I can't be  nice as an angel. I'm so mean to my brother, my parents and sometimes to my friends O_O . Even though some of my friends told me that "Ang bait mo talaga." And I always reply, "Hindi ako mabait no.Masama ako." . That's the truth.The whole plain truth. I'm a mean and selfish girL. I was born to be like that.And with that attitude, I know that no guy will ever fall in Love with me.Not a chance in hell.And I'm happy with that. And I'll not be surprised if I will be sent to hell when I die.
I'm not against God.I just know that I'll be sent to hell because I did not become a nice person during my existence in Earth.But I can't deny the fact that I love my family and friends. I'm not  "manhid" . I love anime!I love MAID SAMA! I love USUI TAKUMI & LEE JUN KI.! :)). And that's it.

So. You know me already . And that's all about me. Nothing more.Nothing less,
If you're not satisfied with that, then go to me directly and I'll gladly answer your questions, got that?
And.......Then .  CRYSTAL CLEAR. !

Okay. I'm off now/ Have to do those hws. :D.


TC everyone.! (Oh.Oh. TC means TAKE CARE... I just don't want to be misunderstood.) .
Love you aLL.!. :))



August 28, 2010

CARD GIVING TODAY.AND.I GOT 84 in ENGLISH!:(( . I know it's very embarassing ,eh?! But.Thank GOD.I got an average of flat 87! :)) HaHa.But it's stiLL better if all of my grades are passed.
Then.ParScians went to SM SUCAT todayyy to watch WATAWAT (Flag). I'm shocked because I can't believe that we have only a little population.Almost half only of the cinema were occupied by us,eh? :D.
After the movie,we went to the NBS, to buy Jonathan Livingston Seagull book written by Richard Bach. And I bought some stickers too.Haha.And there were many 3-A there,you know?Ahaha.:))
Ahaha.Then, Shairy and I went to Starbucks. :)). Then.Then.We accidentally met Shairy's rival for two times on a row.,! :))Ahaha. What the heLL.!:))
Then.I went home.Weeeeeeee.
That's it for now.



Me.Me.Me.Me.Me. :)

Gemini Trios Krystine is the name but I prefer being called "K-tine". I just like it. It's not cute or anything but I prefer to hear K-tine 'cause Krystine (or Christine/Kristine) is so common nowadays. Studying as a junior in ParSci. I am in my 14th year of existence.I'm a writer. A poet writer to be exact (though I'm an amateur.) I love anime.And you can refer me to Nagi Sanzenin who likes to stay inside the house, reading manga,playing video games and watching anime.But I'm not a multimillionaire like her >.< I love watching shows that has the concept of DEATH. I so love it :) I'm a pessimistic you know. Many people says that I'm a nice girl despite of my "tiger look" because I always help them whenever they needed me. but for me, I'm not that really nice.I just don't want to leave that helpless person. I always want things to be on my side. I don't easily give up no matter what consequences might happen. I can control my emotions,you know? I don't want others to see me as a "weakling". If I feel sad, I'll always smile and say "I'm fine"eventhough deep inside, I'm in my worst state. If I'm jealous, I'll laugh,smile or giggle and sometimes tease the person involved. :) I only have a few friends.I'm not that friendly. It's so hard to find true friends nowadays,eh? nyahahaha :) So that's it.

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