S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E !

September 4, 2010
Today is very surprising.!:))


September 2, 2010

Oh yea.!
We have many free time today. Most of our teachers are absent!Yey!

During our recess time, when we passed by on the 4-B students, Kj was there. And Krystine said that "Shaira, tumingin siya sa'yo." .And I was like, "weh.?". Ahaha. :))
Then. I met N squared three times in a row,! I met her when we were heading back to school. :)).
What a coincidence, eh? :))
So I'm busy signing up on this "sj-world.net."
I'm sooo in the suju mode right now. :))

Byes.Take Care!

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August 28, 2010

I passed all of our subjects!Thank you.!:))
We went to SM Sucat to watch WATAWAT. And. It's so boring! I forgot to mention that I went about 10 am. And I'm left out by the boys you know? :)) And when we're falling in line. Krystine called me, "Shaira,Shaira" and I was like shocked because KJ passed by.And I even don't know.Krystine,Aya and Chunkee laughed at me. They're so mean!:))
Ejandra was absent!:((
After the movie, Krystine and I went to NBS to buy the book,JLS.
Then we went to STARB...

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It's me.!

August 22, 2010
Hi :D
SHAIRA is the name. To complete, MARIA SHAIRA B. DELA CRUZ . :D.
You can call me Shaira,Shai,Shairy and Sis. :D. And if you're one of my closest friends,you can call me  KJ :D
I'm fourteen now. And on the three of us, I'm the oldest. May 23 is my precious birthdate. I'm studying on a Science High School, it's called ParSci (short version ) as a junior. I love K-POP.! And Maid-Sama is one of my fave anime.got it?But I'm not the only one that is addicted to it,even my friends and the seni...

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It's Ria! :)

RIA :) MARIA SHAIRA B. DELA CRUZ is my one and only name! It's so precious like diamond ,eh? Ahaha:)) I love MAID-SAMA.!Aweeeeeee. I'm KJ? :)) Studying on ParSci just like Em,and Krystine :D OLdest of the three is me.!:)) I love blue.And my tres marias symbol is heart <3 :) That's it!

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